Medical Services in Thailand

Medical Services in Thailand

Medical Services in Thailand

Thailand has many quality Hospitals and Doctors

Medical Services in Thailand

Medical services in Thailand are much more affordable than most other countries.  If you are carefully research the doctor and medical facility, you can have a very pleasant experience seeking medical services in Thailand.
The biggest advantage of getting medical services in Thailand is that it is significantly less money, but that does not mean the quality of service is significantly less.  In fact, the opposite is true.  In America, many minor surgeries are “Same Day” procedures where the patient is sent home a few hours after the surgery to take care of himself.  In Thailand, you stay in the hospital much longer and receive professional care.

Medical Services in Thailand

The nursing staff at hospitals in Thailand are very competent, and numerous.  There are several nurses on every floor.  They still wear the white uniforms with the white hat.  Medical services in Thailand from these nurses and are very professional, pleasant, and polite with their work.

Many of the hospitals and clinics are fairly new, and are equipped with the latest technology and equipment for imaging, ultrasound, lab tests, treatment, etc.

Let me share a couple of experiences.
A friend of mine had a missing tooth.  His options were to get a bridge made, or get an implant.  He researched and found a dentist who had oral surgery credentials and went to school in the UK.  He had an implant inserted to replace the tooth for about $1,500 US dollars, where the equivalent in the US would have cost him $4,000 – $5,000.  The results were excellent.

I had an instance where I needed to see a doctor for a minor problem with a sore muscle in my back.  I went to the International Hospital in Pattaya and they quickly solved the problem.  I saw a qualified doctor who did a thorough examination, ordered a urine test to check my kidneys, then prescribed a muscle relaxant and sent me to a physical therapy session with a therapist in the hospital.  From the time I arrived at the hospital to completing the physical therapy session, took 2 hours and the total cost was $60 US dollars.  In the US, this would have taken about 2 weeks to complete the process and cost much more.

I have known many people who have used Thai Doctors to perform elective surgeries such as breast implants, face lifts, hair implants, etc. all with excellent results.

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